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2022-2023 Annual Report

We Train Leaders

At Coro, we train leaders who vibrate with a sense of responsibility. Coro leaders are motivated to shape the spirit and integrity of their communities, their companies, and their country. Learning to lead comes not from books, podcasts, or lectures but from practicing how to intentionally engage with others.

Every day, Coro helps leaders reflect inward, connect outward, and move forward on their commitment to making the world a better place—together.

Thank you for supporting this vital work!

With gratitude,

Laney Whitcanack

Laney Whitcanack
Chief Executive Officer & Coro Alumna

Marianna Pisano

Marianna Pisano
Board Chair & Coro Alumna

Our programs focus on 6 key leadership practices: self-awareness, critical thinking, communication, inclusion, collaboration, and influence. Check out this handy visual guide

Leading For Impact

In 2022-23, our leadership programs and workshops served 1,071 people. More than 90% of alums show tangible increases in essential leadership practices.
”The Fellows Program gave me the tools and support to become the leader I hoped to be." - Santiago

Coro’s mission is to train, support, and connect leaders to foster a thriving democracy and tackle society’s biggest challenges together.


Civic Leadership Programs

The Coro Fellows Class of 2023.

Fellows Program in Public Affairs

“The Fellows Program has been an incredible gift and I am so grateful for it." - Aliyah
Women in Leadership 5th Anniversary Celebration: Julie Castro Abrams, Founder and CEO, How Women Lead; Laney Whitcanack, CEO of Coro; Brandi Howard, CEO & President, East Bay Community Foundation; Janice Li, BART Board of Directors; and Claudia Paredes, Coro’s Senior Director of Training.

Women in Leadership

"I am leaving this training feeling connected, motivated, inspired, and confident in my value and my vision.” - Kelly
Lead Bay Area Fellows.

Lead Bay Area

"These relationships will undoubtedly have long lasting positive effects on my capacity to exercise leadership and effect change" - Joel Valencia
Coro Youth Fellows at our Spring Gathering.

Youth Civic Leadership

"This program opened the door to new ways of communicating, understanding, and thinking." - Rafael
"Coro has empowered me to be more experienced and comfortable in professional settings." - Serena
Project Glimmer

Tackling Big Challenges

Water Solutions Network

Water Solutions Network

Partnership for the Bay’s Future Fellowship

Partnership for the Bay’s
Future Fellowship

Human Trafficking
Leadership Academy

Workforce Leadership Network

Strengthening Institutions

University of California
Federal Executive Board of San Francisco
UC Berkeley
Kaiser Permanente, Generation Thrive
Leadership Oakland
Northern California, Grant Makers
First Republic Bank

We’re thrilled to partner with many organizations working to drive impact in the region.

Partnerships with the University of California and the Federal Executive Board strengthen the capacity and leadership pipeline of vital public institutions. With Generation Thrive, our Bridging the Bay and Generation Thrive Leadership programs train executives and rising leaders in key youth-serving nonprofits.

The Coro-University of California Women’s Initiative now boasts more than 970 graduates. The retention rate for staff and faculty who completed the program this year is over 91%, and nearly one-third have received promotions .

Support & Connect

Convening Coro Leaders

This year, more than 300 Coro leaders attended a joyous Spring Gathering to reconnect and raise scholarship funds for the Fellows Future Fund. And we expanded our annual Fellows Program Alumni Night to include all Coro program grads—our first all-program Coro Alumni Night was packed with 150+ alums, representing nine programs and four decades.

The CORO Network Expands Opportunities

Connecting Our Community

More than 660 alums are active on Coro Connect, our thriving online resource exclusively for Coro alums to share career, volunteer, and mentorship opportunities.


Financials 2022-2023*

Expenses: $5.1 Million, 86% on Programs
Revenue: $5.2 Million
Funding Model: 89% Earned, 11% Contributed

*Pre-audit numbers.
**Earned revenue includes training contracts, project fees, Women in Leadership tuition, etc.

Thank You

Coro staff at our Spring Gathering.

Click a category to learn more about us.

Our Team

Staff 2022-23

Erika O. Carlsen,* Managing Director, Civic Leadership

Biney Kaur Dev, Program Manager

Bella Dickson, Program & Administrative Coordinator

Angelica Dowell, Network Manager, Water Solutions Network

Debbie Franco, Managing Director, Water Solutions Network

Lauren Haworth,* Senior Director of Finance & Operations

MJ Jones, Emerging Leadership Facilitator

Shaya Kara,* Director of Alumni & Donor Engagement

Angel Lau,* Recruitment & Revenue Manager

Alexis Llamas, Director of Youth Programs

Angela Pang, Director of Program Management

Claudia Paredes, Senior Director of Training

Dharmishta Rood, Fellows Program Director

Rosa Terrazas,* Senior Director of External Affairs

Genanne Walsh,* Senior Director of Revenue & Grants

Laney Whitcanack,* Chief Executive Officer

Clifford Yee, Managing Director, Networks

Courtney Young-Law, Chief Programs Officer


Board 2022-23

Marianna Pisano* – Chair

Derick Brown* – Vice Chair

Ben Hur* – Vice Chair

William Jackson* – Vice Chair

Diana Tate Vermeire – Vice Chair

Abel Guillen* – Secretary

Aimee Brown – Treasurer

Minden Beach*

Diana Bricknell*

Hank Dempsey*

Christina Giguere

Eugene Hillsman*

Jonathan Hoyt*

Carolyn Wang Kong*

Vera Moore

Amanda Perrot

Anthony Rodriguez*

Evonne Silva


Honorary Board Member

Betty Schafer*


* Indicates Coro Alumni.

Make a Difference


Your tax-deductible donations are an investment in future leaders.


Join the conversation on Coro Connect.


Give the gift of time: share your expertise, host a Fellow, and more.

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Graphic Design: Janeen Jang
Photography: Alvaro Batista, Sergio Suzuki