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For 80 years, the Coro Fellows Program has equipped emerging leaders with the tools, knowledge, and networks to create positive change for a lifetime.

Fellows Program in Public Affairs (FPPA)

The Coro Fellowship uses the Bay Area as a classroom to train the next generation of change makers. Today’s complex urban environments present constantly evolving challenges and opportunities, creating an increasing need for versatile leaders with the ability to forge connections and lead across the nonprofit, business, and government sectors. Competitively selected applicants join a cohort of 8 Coro Fellows for a rigorous, full-time, seven-month program, with each cohort encompassing a wide range of communities, interests, ideologies, and experiences.

The Coro Fellowship is a comprehensive program that shapes the hearts and minds of Fellows through multiple program components.

  • Field Placements
    Over the course of the seven-month, full-time program, Coro Fellows obtain hands-on experience by rotating through multiple Field Placements across various sectors. Each Fellow will work in a for-profit business, a nonprofit organization, a government agency, and at an organization in the sector of the Fellow’s choosing.
  • Focus Weeks
    A few weeks of every program year are dedicated to this unique exploratory opportunity. Led by the Fellows Program Director, Fellows investigate a specific issue, industry, or geography. Past Focus Weeks have centered on Media, Agriculture, State Government, Public Finance, Healthcare, and Organized Labor.
  • Interviews
    Coro trains Fellows in the art of inquiry and arranges opportunities for them to interview senior leaders from various sectors and industries. On average, Fellows will meet and interview over one hundred influential leaders throughout Northern California.
  • Seminar
    Seminar is conducted on Tuesday evenings and all day Friday. The Program Director leads the cohort in this facilitated learning experience where Fellows acquire tools, skills, and competencies rooted in Coro’s proprietary curriculum.

Coro Fellows acquire knowledge, skills, and networks that transform them as individuals and accelerate their careers. Fellows emerge from the program prepared and positioned to succeed in a variety of settings.

  • Knowledge
    Through training and experiential learning, Coro Fellows acquire a body of knowledge that spans numerous subjects such as public finance, campaign strategy, project management, and state/local government.
  • Skills
    The Coro Fellowship is designed to develop multiple competencies that are critical to the success of a leader. Fellows learn analytical frameworks and develop analytical dexterity related to systems, policies, and issues that enables them to process and articulate various kinds of information; they master governance, group work, and advanced skills in communication, strategic planning, facilitation, problem solving, and presenting.
  • Network
    Coro graduates become part of a lifelong, nation-wide professional network of over 12,000 high-level leaders across industries and sectors.
  • Mindset
    Coro training conditions participants to approach situations and people with an open-mind, think critically, leverage a broad frame of reference, and to develop a deeper understanding of society with respect to institutions, players, sectors, issues, and intersectionality.

The Coro Fellowship in Public Affairs is designed for emerging leaders and is open to anyone who has completed a bachelor’s degree; candidates with at least several years of post-college experience are especially encouraged to apply. People from all academic, professional, and personal backgrounds are welcome. We seek bright, passionate individuals committed to being ethical leaders and positive change makers. Candidates should have intellectual curiosity, an open-mind, the ability to be authentic, and a willingness to work with others.

Coro Northern California provides all Fellows with a monthly stipend to defray living expenses during their time in the program. Coro Northern California also offers a monthly allowance to assist with health insurance.

The Fellowship is 100% tuition free.

Learn about the Coro experience directly from our alumni.

Interest Form

Applications for 24-25 Fellows Program in Public Affairs are currently closed. Please submit an interest form to hear about the next opportunity.

Host a Coro Fellow

Learn more about hosting a Coro Fellow at your organization.

Current Participants

Learn more about the current cohort.

Meet Our Class of 2023-2024

Questions & Contact

Angel Lau

Recruitment and Revenue Manager

Advisory Board

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