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Jenna BolyardeTipping Point Community

Jenna Bolyarde currently oversees one time granting to organizations within SF’s Homelessness Response System for Tipping Point Community in San Francisco. She previously oversaw Rapid Rehousing and Permanent Supportive Housing within Napa County’s CoC portfolio. Jenna’s experience with Affordable Housing has been from the client perspective as she oversaw lease ups for multiple projects through Coordinated Entry and many of the City of Napa Housing Authority’s voucher programs. She comes to this work from lived experience of homelessness and the criminal justice system. She has participated in numerous lived experience boards including Napa County’s CoC, Community Action Napa Valley, St. Joseph’s Health Community Benefits Board, and the National Alliance to End Homelessness Consumer Advisory Board. Jenna is currently in school working toward her B.A. in Sociology.