Teresa McGill is a dynamic Job Developer with 17+ years of experience delivering workforce development services to diverse and unique job seekers, of which, seven years are with Alameda County [...]
Sofia Andrade is passionate about improving the diversity of our healthcare field in order to reduce health disparities and increase access to high-quality healthcare for underserved communities. [...]
Sandhya Laddha is the Advocacy and Policy Director at Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition where she works with the community members, electeds, decision makers and other stakeholders to make it [...]
Miguel Velasco is an experienced Workforce Development Specialist who brings robust knowledge in the private, nonprofit and public sectors. As a former director of Workforce Development Programs, [...]
Mario Wagner is a local Bay Area Contractor dedicated to his family, work, and community. He is set on enhancing the process of how the community engages the Workforce and […]
Mariel Estrada Bonilla is the Director of Workforce Development for Building Skills Partnership where she works to provide professional development opportunities to janitors throughout [...]
Lynne Wilkins is the Owner/Director of the Community English Center, with 30+ years experience delivering effective communications and digital literacy training to employees and clients of [...]
Linda Liu works at City College of San Francisco managing workforce development grants to fund career technical education courses and programmatic supplies. Her passion is in workforce [...]
Leslie Alfaro is a Policy Manager at the Bay Area Council, focusing on the Workforce of the Future Initiative and gender equity and diversity issues. As a first-generation college student, […]
Ms. Latoya Reed is a Management Analyst at the Alameda County Workforce Development Board (ACWDB). Ms. Reed leads analytical endeavors for ACWDB, as well as program policy development, strategic [...]