Tina is an experienced research social scientist with expertise in racial inequality and housing policy. Tina integrates her social science training and professional experience as a consultant [...]
Poncho’s professional career has been geared toward the advancement of economically disadvantaged communities –from providing direct services targeting low-income union members to serving in [...]
Naima McQueen has over 5 years of experience advising mission-driven organizations. She focuses on outreach to the small business community with an emphasis on women-owned and people of [...]
Mary earned her degrees – S.B. and M.Eng – at MIT. When not studying computer science, she worked with the Girl Scouts of Flint, where she engineered the perfect toasted […]
Born in Danville, Illinois and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Eugene attended Washington University in St. Louis for college. Following undergrad, Eugene was selected as a Coro Fellow in Public [...]