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Increase Your Leadership Capacity

Our Leadership Labs and Workshops give individuals, teams, groups, and organizations new tools and models they can put immediately into practice.

Leadership Labs and Workshops

As we respond to COVID-19, Coro is offering virtual Leadership Labs that provide unique professional development and team building skills in this new era. 

Leading Engaging and Effective Virtual Meetings
Virtual meetings can be exhausting and unproductive, but they don’t have to be. Join Coro as we share practical tools and tips for creating engaging virtual meetings. This leadership lab will give you an increased ability to plan, facilitate, and engage in online meetings that improve productivity, foster team building, and ensure collaboration. Whether you’re convening virtual meetings as a facilitator or attending them as a participant, we can help you connect with your colleagues in more meaningful ways.

Creative Problem Solving and Everyday Negotiations
Negotiations are mistakenly thought of as high-stakes, adversarial discussions between competing parties. But negotiations are carried out daily with people on our work teams and in our families. During the pandemic and shelter in place, we’re called on to exercise our negotiation skills daily, if not hourly. This Leadership Lab will help participants clarify their interests and consider the interests of the others as they work to generate creative solutions.

Customized trainings related to other topics and leadership development tools are available upon request. Please contact us for more information!

Virtual Meetings:

  • Strengthened ability to facilitate, manage, and participate in effective meetings and team-based projects online.
  • Greater ability to develop consensus and engage all voices in virtual meetings.
  • Learn outcomes-based leadership practices using a framework for balancing and discussing both outcomes and process when in meetings.
  • Increased collaborative decision-making skills.

Problem Solving/Negotiations: 

  • Increased understanding of everyday negotiation opportunities for creative problem solving.
  • Shared understanding of the differences between positions and interests, and how to apply this framework when negotiating and problem solving.
  • Greater communication skills.
  • Greater capacity to negotiate from a non-adversarial position for mutual gains.

“Although this lab was about leading effective meetings, I had never thought about what it meant to be a good participant of a meeting. Will definitely bring that back to my organization.”

“My life is full of meetings. Now more than ever, I have to strengthen my facilitation skills. I’ll definitely use Coro tools and techniques often.”

Organizational and team Leadership Labs and customized trainings are available, upon request.

Interest Form

Fill out our interest form and we’ll contact you about a Leadership Lab training.

Coro Leadership Labs Offerings

Questions & Contact

Cliff Yee