In February, the Water Solutions Network graduated its third cohort. Drawn from the Klamath and Colorado River Basins, Cohort 3 culminated in two presentations to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, providing recommendations on watershed health, tribal engagement, agriculture, and honoring the roles of all stakeholders in water issues.
Despite the pandemic-driven pivot to a virtual format, during the past year the cohort created a strong bond, enhanced their leadership skills, and learned from one another.
Check out the Klamath Basin group’s Story Map, which includes an overview of the basin and its historical issues, along with cohort members’ stories about their relationship to the land. And review the Colorado River Basin group’s presentation on tribal engagement here.
Later this month, we’ll welcome our fourth cohort, representing the San Joaquin River and Tulare Lake Watersheds. A new group of talented water leaders will join the broader network, bringing our number to more than one hundred strong. Stay tuned for updates about their work and achievements.
In other Water Solutions Network news:
- We’re thrilled that Debbie Franco has joined the WSN as our new Managing Director!
- A recent article in Grist highlighted the WSN’s collaborative model as a prime example of bringing stakeholders together for better water management and outcomes in California.
To learn more about the Water Solutions Network, visit our program website.