In the wake of COVID-19, we’ve transitioned all Fellows Program seminars online. I’m proud to share that Fellows have taken their online learning by the reins! In the photo above, they’re interviewing Ned Segal, CFO of Twitter.
The Fellows spent the past two weeks conducting a virtual, in-depth Agriculture Week — interviewing leaders in the agriculture field, and conducting extensive research to deepen their understanding about the diverse perspectives of key stakeholders, including water, farmworkers, and environmentalists.
Fellows have also engaged in virtual opportunities for learning and exchange with the Coro Fellows from other Coro Centers across the country, making the most of our broad network. Currently, Fellows are busy with their independent placements (thank you to our partners listed below), and are committed to making the most out of their remaining time in the program before graduation in late May.
We’re happy to be finalizing offers to candidates to join the Fellows Program Class of 2021. Stay tuned: we’ll share an official announcement about our 73rd class in early June.
Thank you to our 2020 Independent Placement Partners:
- Alliance for Community Development
- California Public Utilities Commission
- Local Agency Formation Commission
- Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)
- Public Rights Project
- Sacred Heart Community Service
- Storefront Political Media
Thank you to our 2020 Agriculture Week Sponsor:
- Turlock Irrigation District