The year has been full of learning for the Coro team. Here’s a list of articles, podcasts, books, and videos that we found insightful, informative, or downright inspiring in 2019.
Article: Dean David N. Hempton on Belonging at Harvard
Book: UnSelfie: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in Our All-About-Me World by Michele Borba
Book: Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Book: How to be an Explorer of the World by Keri Smith
Book: How to Be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving by David Richo
Magazine: Emergence Magazine
Podcast: The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos
Podcast episode: “Can You Really Bring Your Whole Self to Work?” from On Being with Krista Tippett
Podcast episode: “S2 Ep.8 – Dan Garcia pt.1” from Home Bound Veteran
Podcast episode: “Kindness Can Be Taught. Here’s How” from Life Kit: Parenting, NPR
Podcast: Side Hustle Pro with Nicaila Matthews Okome
Publication: Leading Culture and Systems Change: How to Develop Network Leadership and Support Emerging Networks by Leadership Learning Community
Podcast and Website: 1619 Project from the New York Times
TED Talk: Can Art Amend History? by Titus Kaphar
TED Talk: Nonviolent Communication and Self Awareness by Maria Engels
Thank you for supporting Coro! Here’s to a new year full of learning and leadership. We wish you a happy, healthy 2020.